My first day at school

Dear Mom

I was so excited to start big school today and I couldn’t wait to put on my uniform this morning. I was wondering about a lot of things, about who I will meet and play with, what we will do, if there will be some jungle gyms and how long it will take for my teacher to teach me how to read.

I was a bit scared when we got there and I saw how big it was, but my teacher made sure that I was okay. She took me to my chair and showed me where to put my bag. We had lots of fun! We built some blocks, had story time on the carpet, coloured in the front of our work books, looked at the shapes of our names and got to play with our friends during break.

I think my teacher really loves her job because she was smiling a lot and when one of the girls cried she let her sit on her lap. When I grow up I want to be just like her because she wears pretty earrings that dangle when she speaks, because she knows everything and because she can play all day long!

I can’t wait to show you the picture I drew! I thought about you during the day because I was a bit worried about you. Your eyes were red this morning and I saw you wiping them a few times. I sure hope that you are okay. Is this because you had to go back to work? You have to be a brave mom, remember I’ll see you after work.

Your all-grown-up-baby
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